Hi, thanks for the write-up. What value does Comerzzia provide that other pos and crm giants do not? Just trying to understand how defendable this software is in their niche from larger competitors. thx

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Sorry for the late reply. In general, I don't think this is a “winner takes it all” market, and the market they are in is not really a niche market.

Here are some arguments for choosing Comerzzia:

- Unlike some competitors, Tier1 has developed Comerzzia with a focus on unified commerce from the start

- Guarantees lowest cost of ownership for customers (customers are price-conscious companies with low profit margins)

- Customers get access to the source code

- The software has the most features according to a market survey by Gartner earlier this year

Several large implementation partners have been acquired in recent months, which imo is a strong sign that these companies (such as Inetum and Retex) see great potential for comerzzia, while comerzzias market share is still tiny.

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What's the penetration then for POS? These kinds of software usually have very high switching costs so I assume most growth is coming from whitespace. So how much of that is still addressable?

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